Is you energy out of wack, or are you feeling spiritually sluggish? Do you feel like your chakras are out of balance or even closed? This is completely normal but often extremely uncomfortable, and I am here to help! Through my training and work as a Priestess and spiritual healer, I have learned many techniques to help disperse negative energy and realign the spiritual centers of the soul. I will work with you to open and align your spiritual centers to help you heal and feel refreshed!
Sometimes in our life we experience loss or trauma that tears us apart; these events can cause our souls to fracture, and for pieces to be left behind. But just because they're gone now, doesn't mean they're gone forever; through the process of soul retrieval, we can work to re-attach the broken pieces of the soul, and heal the hut that came with the loss. Each soul retrieval is unique and tailored to the person, so to set up a consultation, please contact us via email at [email protected].
Spiritual counselling is the practice of using one's psychic and/or spiritual abilities to provide advice, guidance, and general insight into a person's life situation. This type of reading session is in person only and must be booked at least 7 days prior. For more information, please email us at [email protected]
Sometimes negative or nuisance energies and spirits follow us home, and like a spiritual squatter refuse to leave. In these situations it is often best to call in a spiritual professional to remove those aforementioned energies. Covenant of the Rose will send one of our seasoned Pries(ess/X)sto your home with a variety of non-harmful and organic cleansing agents and rid the space of negativity and nuisances, before sealing and blessing the home to protect you and your space.
A child blessing is a ceremony in which a Priestess blesses a child and it's parents, creating a protection charm to keep the family safe. This ceremony is a custom creation tailored to the individual, and must be set up at least seven days in advance so that coven leadership has time to perfect the blessing. For more information please email us at [email protected]