MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the Covenant of the Rose to create and maintain an open, accepting, and dedicated circle, within which, witches and Pagans of all paths can openly worship and/or grow in their craft. Moreover, it is our firmly held belief that all persons should be able to connect with divinity without fear or persecution, and in a place that is truly safe. The Covenant of the Rose is dedicated to fulfilling this need for the community and being a resource to all who seek guidance.
At the Covenant of the Rose's mother coven, and in all of our affiliated circles, we believe that divinity comes in many shapes and forms, and while we are dedicated to our personal patrons in, we see divinity as malleable overall; this includes the belief that deity is within the self, or the belief that deity isn't present at all. It is the firmly held belief of the Covenant of the Rose that, while deity is mainly categorized as masculine and feminine, it exists on a plane that may be greater than we are capable of perceiving. As such, our practice welcomes all divine energy and allows it to exist in its own glory. Belief in deity is by no mean a requirement to attend our events or dedicate to our coven, but more so, an option of which many of our current members partake.
Furthermore, the Covenant of the Rose believes that all persons are products of divinity, and are deserving of respect, love, kindness, and acceptance. The stars aligned, and the gods did so craft, that our members and honoured guests could find us on the earthly plane, and find a home within our walls. No person shall ever be turned away on the basis of personal circumstance; be it existentially decided or personal choice, you are welcome here.
It is also the mission of this coven and tradition to be a light in the darkness; the world may throw us a curve ball, but from it we accept that we will learn and grow. Every action and reaction will provide a piece to the puzzle that is our life, as well as our religious practice. The Covenant of the Rose mother coven and affiliated circles do so operate on the views that everything happens for a reason, but ultimately we are the deciders of our own fate. While we may not be able to change the hard stuff, we can certainly make the choice to work through it and move forward, as that is the art of balancing the scales of fate.